Tuesday, December 10, 2013


I absolutely love painting people's faces. It presents an incredibly interesting challenge, one I'm quite infatuated with. "What are they feeling?" I've always been told I'm a fairly empathetic person. I like to think I'm fairly good at reading people and navigating situations based on someone's emotions. There are so many subtleties in a facial expression, a wince, a smile, a wrinkle. So many tiny details that can change the meaning of someone's expression entirely if they are missed, which is why the challenge is so enjoyable.

The Herd

I was crazy about sunsets for a while. Who isn't. This one's a few months old. I'm always trying new things when it comes to creating landscapes, this one didn't have too much going on so I had put it aside. Will I ever be finished? The answer is no.

Smoke Signals

I never posted or shared this piece simply because it was never really finished. Started with a very appealing color palette (To me) and wanted to see what I could come up with. I started off fairly smooth with the composition and idea but got bogged down in some glaring problems. Muddy values, bland presentation etc. I'm not usually hyper critical of my own work, but I have to be honest with myself once in a while and while composition wise I really loved this one, the execution didn't quite thrill me. One I will definitely come back to.

The art blog.

Finally getting off the butt and going to start posting my works, works in progress etc and keep things up to date as best I can. I really want to do this for myself so I can keep a handle on my progress. More of a personal project rather than to gain a following. Let's see what I can dig out of the art folder tonight though.

I've been working my butt off trying to improve my gesture skills. Drawing the human figure was something I was NEVER good at and always avoided as a highschool student I've been trying to get better and better at drawing poses off the top of my head rather than having to look them up or try the pose myself. Improving myself fundamentally is going to be tough but I desperately need it.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hydrogen Dust

Not bad way to start the new year! A lot of time and effort and I'm very proud of this one!