The first deck I ever made for Magic the Gathering was an Angel deck, focused on protection and enhancing the abilities of the soaring Angels and Griffins I had gathered. Since I began playing I've made other decks, used other cards, but there is something about my Angel deck that I hold extremely close, it's my baby! My first deck, it's always been with me (Even though I've only been playing a few months) if this was pokemon, my Angels would be my pikachu. I don't know whether it was on purpose or by accident, but my deck reflects my mannerisms quite closely. Weird? Yeah. The cards in my deck focus mainly around protection, preventing damage from being taken or reflecting that damage etc. Like myself my deck seeks to avoid conflict. In real life I do almost anything to avoid a fight/argument, be it verbal or fisticuffs. My strategy while playing is innately defensive, I'm never the one the make the first attack, I usually protect myself with creatures or spells. Its not something I plan out, its just the first thing I do, I don't know why!! And when I do attack, I do so cautiously, I try to make sure I have a spell on hand that will protect me in the event I fall into a trap; a reflection of my cautiousness in the real world?! WHOAH SPOILER ALERT! Maybe it's not just me, James' decks almost always have blue or Island mana, for those who don't play magic, blue creatures are usually sea creatures/serpents etc. Could this possibly stem from James' love of marine biology? Oh my GOD, I'm bustin' this case wide open. The psychology of a nerd may seem complex, but look at his cards and you can learn a great deal about him.
"A boon to those who cannot see in the dark, a bane to those who live in it."
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