Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Remember, no Russian...

In recent news Moscow Domodedovo airport was attacked by a suicide bomber, killing 30 people, and injuring hundreds more. As expected, video games are coming under the cross hairs of the media, Modern Warfare 2 to be specific. Now this topic alone makes me rage really hard so I'll break this crap into pieces so its easier to digest.

1. What's all the fuss about?
 Media outlets are labeling the level "No Russian" in MW 2, a possible  "inspiration" for the attack on the  Domodedovo airport. Russian media in specific is trying to link MW 2 to this real life terrorist attack. In all cases like this, the easiest scape goat for the media, is a violent video game.

2. Dude, What's "No Russian"?
 The undoubtedly controversial mission "No Russian" in CoD Modern Warfare 2, is a mission in which the player takes on the role of a deep cover CIA operative tasked with getting intel on a high profile Russian, ultra-nationalist, terrorist, bad guy, whatever you fancy to call him. This agent which the player fills the shoes of, has infiltrated the group and is chosen to launch an attack at a crowded, fictional Moscow Airport. The title "No Russian" comes from the first words Makarov (The bad guy) utters to you before you leave the elevator, "Remember, no Russian.", his goal is to make the attack seem like the doings of Americans. Now this mission is optional in the game, there is a warning of violent disturbing content, and you may choose to skip the mission.

3. That seems a bit too disturbing to put into a video game.
Now, show footage of this mission to any adult or someone who does not have much experience with video games, they may say things like "That's aweful!" or " Is this what kids consider fun these days?" Maybe "This is a game?!".  It's bad, I acknowledge that. But the purpose of this mission is not to "rack up points" as most parents think video games are still about. This mission is here to immerse the player in the story. That may seem extreme to some, but its more effective (in my opinion) to establish Makarov as the bad guy, if you are witnessing first hand, his terrible agenda. SHOOTING CIVILIANS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE FUN. The player is not supposed to enjoy firing into the crowded lines at the airport, the player is supposed to feel like a monster, the player is supposed to have a reason to hate this man.  Which brings me to something else I said earlier. Video games these days are not about getting the high score, or getting to the next level, or killing the most guys. Many (not all) people play games to be told an awesome story, they want to know where the plot in their favorite franchise is going. They get into it, they get attached to the characters. Games are a lot like movies these days. Now many immature kids say "I only play teh multiplayer lol, campaign sux, add me on xbl my name is xXSnipezxBluntzBlazeXx, I pwn noobs." Those are the kids that shouldn't own the game in the first place because they're 13 years old.

4.Kids shouldn't be exposed to this kind of violence!
You're right, they shouldn't, that's why its rated M (17, {should be 18} and up). Maybe you should do the research and stop buying your 11 year old horribly violent games.

5. Video games are getting way too violent, people see whats in them, and then they imitate it in real life!
Really? Because I'm pretty sure "No Russian" emulates the movie Heat, pretty well, where the bank robbers leave the bank, armed to the teeth, gunz a blazin', you know, shooting cops and stuff? Look, this argument is so tired and old. Most video games (especially the Call of Duty series) pay homage to famous movie scenes. The fact of the matter is, there is so much violence in the media, you couldn't possibly point the finger in one direction. We have no control over what other people do, the fact that they snapped, and just happened to play Counter Strike, has nothing to do with whether or not they would have done it.

People are always going to be killing other people, its a sad fact, some just want to feel important, smart and powerful by pointing a finger and saying "That's why it happened! I'm going to do something about it and people are going to praise me for it because I want to help people! Stay tuned for more." but really they're just making themselves look like an ass. The man that attacked the Domodedovo airport killed himself in a suicide bombing.  I don't know all of the details but he was an extremist of sorts, so if he had happened to play MW 2, or if he played Zelda, either way he was going to do something awful regardless whether or not he played a video game.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

More drawing.

I liked playing with the snow effects on this one. Not too much to say about it content wise, I was just done playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R and felt like drawing something similar. I really want to start drawing scenes from different stories I've written, now THAT would be awesome.